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[jfriends-ml 10497] Re: J2EE Design Patterns Applied

  内容は「Sun Java Center J2EE Patterns」、「TheServerSide Patterns」
「GoF Patterns」、「Integration Patterns」の各種パターンを使いつつ、
あるCase Studyをもとに、「再利用性」「保守性」「拡張性」「パフォーマンス」
  WebApplcation/EJB の話はよくあるものですが、EAI(Enterprise Applicaiton


  ・Chapter 1 : Design Patterns Applied to J2EE
        The Evolution of Patterns
        Patterns in Software Engineering
        What are Design Patterns?
        Identifying Patterns
        Representing Design Patterns
        How Do Design Patterns Solve Design Problems?
        Selecting a Design Pattern
        Using a Design Pattern
        J2EE and Design Patterns
        Problem Domains for J2EE Patterns
  ・Chapter 2 : Patterns Applied to the Web Tier
        Presentation Patterns
        Case Study : A Hotel Booking Management System
        Identifying the Patterns
  ・Chapter 3 : Patterns Applied to a Persistence Framework
        A Starting Model
        What is a Persistence Framework?
        The TitleDAO Session Bean
        The Value Object Pattern
        The Service Locator Pattern
        The Persistence Framework in Action
        Persistence Framework Strategies
  ・Chapter 4 : Patterns Applied to Improve Performance and Scalability
        What Causes Performace Problems?
        What Causes Scalabolity Problems?
        The City Break Booking Appplication
        Identifying Patterns to Improve Performance
        Identifying Patterns to Improve Scalability
        The Complete City Break Architecture
  ・Chapter 5 : Patterns Applied to Manage Security
        What are Security Patterns?
        Wrox Web Banking Use Cases
        Implementing the Case Study
  ・Chapter 6 : Patterns Applied to Enable Enterprise Integration
        What is Enterprise Application Integration?
        Integration Patterns for J2EE
        Simple Integration Scenario
        Implementing the Integration Patterns
        Using Integration Patterns for B2B
  ・Chapter 7 : Patterns Applied to Enable Reusability, Maintainability, and
        Why Write Reusable Software?
        Why Write Maintainable Software?
        Why Write Extensible Software?
        A Component-Based Case Study
        The Decorator Design Pattern

ken wrote:
>   高橋(智)です。
>   Wroxシリーズの「J2EE Design Patterns Applied」
>   http://www.wrox.com/books/1861005288.htm
> を購入して読んでみようかと思っているのですが、どなたか既に
> 読まれた方はいらっしゃいませんでしょうか?
>   感想などを教えていただけると嬉しいです。

  Java読書会( http://www.t3-jpn.com/bof/ )
  T3-Japan( http://www.t3-jpn.com/ )